Likely I could have troubleshooted the issue more than actually did, but I felt I was due an upgrade and this was just the excuse that I needed. This game and my old CPU were not pals-with regular crashes to desktop as it consistently hit near-100% use. See also 10 Best Culprits in Ace Attorney That computer was my first real gateway into PC gaming, so it’s an especially fond memory for me. Thus began an extremely unhealthy habit of waking up as early as 3am each morning so I could sneak in a few hours of WoW before school. The process easily took over an hour and by the time it was done, I had just enough time to create a Dwarf Hunter before my mom mercilessly sent me to bed. The worst part was that, by the time we were finished and I had installed everything, I had to endure the painful process of installing WoW using its four separate CD-ROMs. I didn’t know what I was doing, so we had to invite a family friend over one afternoon to help me set it all up. Even at the time it was far from high end, but it was more than enough to play World of Warcraft and that’s all I really cared about.

I bought myself an AMD Athlon 64x CPU and some Nvidia 128mb graphics card alongside 512mb of DDR2 RAM. I was working at A&W then, slinging burgers as a greasy 14 year old, and I desperately wanted a proper gaming PC so I saved up as much as I could and for around $500. My first real gaming PC ever was built entirely so that I could start playing World of Warcraft back in 2004 when it became all the rage among my friends at school. If anyone who knows me is surprised by this, you don’t know me that well, haha. Sound off with your own answers in the comments below. So that’s our question this week: Did you ever upgrade, build, or buy a PC just so you could play one particular game? Which game was it? Below you’ll find our answers and some from members of the PC Gamer Forum. Something you desperately want to play that your current PC can’t handle, or at least that it can’t handle on max settings. Sometimes a particular game can push you into upgrading your PC, or building a new PC, or even just flat out buying a prebuilt. You Are Reading : Did you ever upgrade build or buy a PC just so you could play one particular game It’s great to have the option to boost performance with the new GPUs and CPUs that are constantly coming out, but there’s definitely some appeal in buying a new console and then getting a seven year-or-so break before you have to buy anything else. There’s a new generation of consoles on the horizon, but here in PC land we’re sorta always in the midst of upgrading, right? It’s a blessing and a curse, really. Did you ever upgrade build or buy a PC just so you could play one particular game